The Challenges and Benefits of Vulnerable Leadership

The Challenges and Benefits of Vulnerable Leadership

Every day we deal with negative emotions, such as stress, anger, sadness, discouragement and others. Managing so many feelings with everyday routines makes our body and mind feel overwhelmed and tired.

However, even though we are connected to the same people every day, especially in the corporate environment, we tend to hide these feelings. Even though this may seem like the right thing to do, there's nothing wrong with showing vulnerability.

This is an issue that mainly affects team leaders, who feel obliged to demonstrate strength at all times. However, showing that everything is not always fine is important within companies, as it brings people together. 

Therefore, humanized, more vulnerable and empathetic leadership can improve team rapport, communication and results. Understanding the relevance of these characteristics, we at LongVision We have prepared content for you about: 

The Challenges and Benefits of Vulnerable Leadership

Unlike what we see nowadays, leaders who demonstrate their vulnerabilities tend to stand out within organizations. This is because they create what we call identification. After all, we all have to make important and often difficult decisions, and we are not always completely sure about the outcome. 

Situations like these, which generate pressure and consequently awaken emotions, are common to all of us. Normalizing and verbalizing that everything is not always fine can be the key to creating rapprochement with your team.  

Therefore, showing your team that, like them, you also have your insecurities and phases, is a practice that brings the group closer together. This rapprochement happens mainly because people tend to trust their peers more.

In other words, demonstrating humanized leadership has a direct impact on the confidence, self-esteem and coexistence of team.

But how to do this? How can I abandon the social roots that, within me, prevent me from showing my insecurities to others?

To begin 

Firstly, it is important to make it clear that the path towards more humanized leadership is not easy. It requires discipline, hard work and courage. However, taking the first step is essential in the search for this deeper coexistence. 

Be the first to take such a step. Observe yourself, understand your behaviors regarding vulnerability and create an action plan to start immediately.  

Many leaders avoid talking about their difficulties because they are afraid that this may be met with negativity by the team. But with the likelihood that other people are struggling with something, noting that your leader has issues only increases their confidence. 

The process towards a Humanized leadership has rewarding and beneficial results for everyone in the organization. However, issues such as organizational culture, the profile of managers and good practices need attention. 

These elements are crucial in developing a culture of vulnerability and require mobilization and awareness at all organizational levels. Knowing this need, we have separated some of the main techniques used in the largest companies in the world: 

1 - Self-analysis 

It all starts with you. At first, it is important to stop and analyze how you are feeling. With the rush of everyday life, we tend to ignore our emotions. So, try to stop a few times throughout the day and write down the things you are feeling. This is a good exercise self knowledge. 

2 – Start slowly 

Build a humanized leadership, based on a healthy relationship with your colleagues, does not happen quickly. Because, if overnight you decide to share something more intimate, it could end up being uncomfortable. This way, start by exposing small frustrations or thoughts.

3 - Choose what to share 

As obvious as it may seem, it is necessary to know what you are going to share, because as previously mentioned, certain conversations can bring a heavy atmosphere to the environment. In other words, opt for more basic things at first, or try not to focus only on bad events. 

4 – Choose the right moments 

Another important point in creating humanized leadership is knowing when to share your thoughts. A good option is to set aside a few minutes at the end of meetings to ask your colleagues about them. Try to make the conversation more relaxed with fun topics. 

5 - Build a welcoming environment through behaviors

One of the crucial points in sharing emotions is that your team starts to use your experiences and decisions as an example in their lives. Thus, you can use some important techniques to create a welcoming environment, such as: 

  • Make your team a support network;
  • Ask for help to make your colleagues feel comfortable;
  • Help when they need it;
  • Reinforce a positive outlook;
  • Encourage your colleagues to take time for themselves;

6 - Share the good and bad moments

One of the most important steps in building humanized leadership is showing that, like your colleagues, you also have good and bad moments. Tell us about events that made you happy, but don't forget to show the obstacles you overcame along the way.

To finish

The journey towards a healthier, more welcoming and empathetic professional environment is long, but the benefits reaped are rewarding. By building a more humanized relationship with your colleagues, the company as a whole will have its processes carried out in a much more committed way.

This occurs because, with the creation of a more friendly relationship between co-workers, everyone starts to help each other in a deeper way. This has a direct result in the organization's performance, being one of the crucial factors in the growth of the company, as well as its employees.

Now that you’ve learned about the challenges and benefits resulting from humanized leadership, it’s time to check out: Showcase The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

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