How The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Program can help your team

How The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Program can help your team (1)

The program "The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team”, is corporate training and the definitive guide for developing cohesive teams, known worldwide and available in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

Today, you will understand a little more about the advantages of Five Behaviors in the daily lives of teams. 

But before talking about the benefits, let's have a quick summary of what training is The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team”

What is the "The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team” ?

Five Behaviors is powerful corporate training because it works on the behavioral development of teams. Your goal is to develop and strengthen five specific behaviors that support high performance teams.

The program is based on the fable “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team”, or the 5 Team Challenges, bestseller by The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, written by Patrick Lencioni, recognized worldwide as the official guide for healthy and cohesive teams. 

The dysfunctions presented in the book and that most teams experience daily are: lack of trust between team members, fear of conflicts, low level of commitment, lack of accountability among team members and lack of attention to collective results.

In practice, training “The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team” constructively and collectively develops the five behaviors using a positive methodological approach: trust, conflict, commitment, accountability and focus on collective results. Through an updated methodology, the training focuses on the needs of each team and truly talks to people. 

How can “The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team” Program help your team?

Firstly, it is important to know that all teams are potentially doomed to some type of dysfunction, as discussed in the book The 5 Team Challenges. Corporate environments are challenging, both due to the culture and the composition of teams in constant transition. Unfortunately, dysfunctional teams are not the exception in most organizations.

Five Behaviors has consistent results in building increasingly cohesive teams, because it generates a real behavioral change in team dynamics. As a result, they start to work more effectively and productively, but also in a lighter and more fun way, a competitive advantage due to the dynamics they build. 

If your company seeks high performance, building cohesive teams can be your greatest competitive advantage.

Five Behaviors: Cohesive teams are based on trust

The base of the pyramid of the model worked in this program is the trust, as shown in The 5 Team Challenges, by Patrick Lencioni.

It supports all other behaviors. Therefore, it is the fundamental point for successful teams.

One of the main points covered in this training is what we call Vulnerability-based trust. In other words, the ability to expose your weaknesses with sincerity and emotional security in the work environment. 

A team that practices trust based on vulnerability, without its members being afraid of being judged, punished or even losing their credibility, is a team that channels its energy into producing collective results.

This way, you don’t waste time with political, destructive conflicts or personal attacks.

Many teams end up failing in this aspect because they don't know how and when to demonstrate their vulnerabilities, often considering this something negative. 

So, to truly connect with team members, we need to practice vulnerability and genuinely be who we are.

As a result of this practice, team members realize how similar they can be. That is, the fears they share, how to help each other and get to know each other deeply.

This creates a true connection and is what makes the environment safe for open and productive discussions.

Five Behaviors: Cohesive teams do not avoid conflicts 

If people in a team trust each other, knowing that their peers' intentions are good and that there is no reason to be defensive, conflicts become much more productive, because they will simply be the search for the truth and the best possible solution. .

It is very common for people in the workplace to hesitate in expressing their true opinion regarding an idea or project, especially if the ideas are contrary to others already presented. This results in political conflicts and a harmony that can sound artificial. 

If the trust between team members is true, conflicts become productive, focused on ideas and opinions. Disagreeing becomes normal because the team understands its benefits: different ideas lead to the best solutions. 

Even though it may seem obvious, an open and productive debate is not a reality in many teams in the workplace. This needs to be worked on and cultivated in your daily dynamics.

The program “The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team” works with three other fundamental aspects: commitment (clarity and adherence), accountability (peer accountability and feedback) and the top of the pyramid, that is, the focus on collective results.

Be sure to follow along here on LongVision blog, all aspects worked on in the program. 

For now, here's a question for reflection: How much has your team worked to promote an environment in which there is genuine trust, based on vulnerability, between people? 

It is not just a question of “humanization”, but also of knowing how to work with the most fantastic resource we have in any organization: people. 

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