The 10 behaviors that leaders consider obstacles to growth in organizations

Image from the book The Courage to Lead, by Brené Brown

Based on research conducted and described in the book "Dare to Lead" by Brené Brown, leaders have described the top 10 behaviors and cultural issues they believe are obstacles for companies around the world.

The research published in Brené Brown's book

Brené Brown drew on a wealth of data collected over more than 10 years, as well as new research with C-level leaders, to write her book and draw attention to the need for leadership transformation.

So, from such research, she was able to gather the main behaviors and cultural issues that impact teams, leaders and organizations as a whole.

The 10 Behaviors and Cultural Issues Leaders See as Obstacles

Of course, we have listed the main ones here. However, there are many others that also have a negative impact on the work environment and day-to-day life.

  • Lack of clarity and little confidence;
  • Difficulty in dealing with productive conflicts. Instead, an artificial harmony is sought in relationships and debates;
  • Excessive passive-aggressive behavior and gossip;
  • In times of turbulence, especially, problematic behaviors increase and, therefore, the focus is on managing them;
  • Fear and perfectionism, as well as lack of connection and empathy;
  • Remaining in the status quo, for fear of receiving criticism regarding new ideas;
  • Little accountability and learning, lots of guilt and shame;
  • Fear of being wrong, which results in few vital discussions about diversity and inclusion;
  • Need to rush to fix things quickly, rather than actually finding the cause of the problem;
  • Weak and unmeasurable organizational cultures.

In other words, especially when we talk about leadership, we are not referring to leaders on this list, since leaders promote debates, even if difficult, create trust in their teams, question the status quo and enhance connection.

However, you see, the list was created by leaders. That is, they are in leadership positions, but they are unable to actually lead, for several reasons beyond what has been listed here.

The question remains: how to transform management into leadership, whether from coordination or C-level positions?

Strategies to transform behaviors

It is possible to transform behaviors that are obstacles into behaviors that lead to results. It is a medium and long-term path. However, if done correctly, it will be less painful and more lasting.

The Five Behaviors

The Five Behaviors® model is based on Patrick Lencioni's bestseller - The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - and enables the development of powerful, customized and authentic solutions for team development, which empowers individuals to make changes that last.

The Work of Leaders

According to this methodology, it is the role of senior leadership to build an inspiring vision, communicate it clearly and execute it with excellence.

Years of research have distilled leadership best practices into a simple framework: Vision, Alignment, and Execution. In short, this training and the Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® profile help leaders connect their leadership styles to mastery of these skills.

Effective Communication

Essential for improving relationships, this training develops skills to communicate assertively and accurately, through verbal and non-verbal communication techniques, adaptation to different behavioral styles, active listening and more human communication.

Connection, Communication and Collaboration

Burnout, destroyed relationships and loss of productivity are just some of the consequences of prolonged and unprocessed stress in the workplace, as well as in personal life.

In this training, principles of Emotional Intelligence and Nonviolent Communication are explored to provide self-management of emotions and healthier interactions.

The Art of Feedback

Feedback is a powerful connection tool.

And mastering how to give and receive feedback is the most effective way to improve people's performance and behavior, as well as recognizing a job well done.

The organization that creates a culture of feedback moves away from mediocrity and provides people with an environment of constant evolution and prosperity.

DiSC Workplace Workshop

We only control what we know. And there is no way to know others if we do not know ourselves, first and foremost.

Highly personalized training with the Everything DiSC Workplace® behavioral profile, fully oriented to the work environment, helps professionals at all levels to collaborate with each other, cultivating an increasingly human and functional organization.

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