The Work of Leaders

Best Vision, Alignment and Execution practices for senior leadership

“Leadership is the ability to translate vision into reality”

Warren Bennis

Build an inspiring vision, communicate it clearly and execute it with excellence. These are the roles of senior leadership according to "The Work of Leaders" methodology.

Years of research have compiled leadership best practices into a simple model: Vision, Alignment, and Execution. This training and the Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® profile helps leaders connect their leadership styles to mastery of these skills.

O The Work of Leaders helps participants to:

Understand your leadership style according to the methodology
Recognize your strengths and gaps within best practices
Create strategies to develop vision, alignment and execution in your organizations


The Work of Leaders

Part 1: Intrapersonal Skills

Introduction to The Work of Leaders
  • The role of senior leadership: vision, alignment and execution
  • DiSC behavioral profiles
  • The eight priorities of the Everything DiSC Leadership Map®. 
  • Fundamentals: Exploration, Boldness, and Assumption Testing 
  • Your behavioral tendencies on these fundamentals
  • Developing the ability to build an inspiring vision
  • Fundamentals: clarity, dialogue and inspiration 
  • Your behavioral tendencies on these fundamentals
  • Strategy for developing alignment skills
  • Fundamentals: momentum, structure and feedback 
  • Your behavioral tendencies on these fundamentals
  • Strategy to develop the ability to lead execution
Summary & Action
  • Identification of strengths and challenges in each of the three key areas of the model
  • Choosing a key area to develop
  • Preparation of a complete action plan for improvement
Optional activity: Follow-up with the Everything DiSC Comparison Report®
  • Didactic and robust report aimed at building better relationships within teams. It allows two people to compare their similarities and differences, discover possible obstacles in working together and create practical strategies to improve their working relationships.

Part 2: Interpersonal Skills

Download our PDF


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