How much do you earn in emotional salary?

Photo from a The Five Behaviors report, which measures the health of a team and individuals on a team.

Have you ever stopped to think about gains beyond the tangible? How much is your physical and mental health worth? I imagine you know the value of your financial salary by heart.

How about we now evaluate the gains that are not part of traditional labor market compensation? Come with me!

The time we spend at work

According to research, we spend around a third at work. In other words, if we put it into perspective, our adult life is basically permeated by our work.

In short, we almost live more with our work colleagues than with our family members, for example.

And that's fine, if the work environment supports a culture of well-being. The problem is when that doesn't happen.

Until recently, we considered financial salary as the main factor in deciding whether or not to stay in a company.

However, this has been changing.

While the financial salary is still very important, of course, the percentage of people who consider the organization's culture as an essential variable in that choice is growing, on the other hand.

In fact, researchers discovered that employees' priorities have been evolving, as has the job market. That is, talents begin to look at non-tangible benefits with different eyes.

And these benefits include: life balance inside and outside of work, psychological safety, flexibility and happiness.

What is emotional salary? The factors that are part of this account

To measure emotional salary, now that we know that we spend a third of our lives at work, let's list the 10 factors that are part of this calculation, as follows:

  • Career path
  • Autonomy
  • Well-being
  • Belonging
  • Inspiration
  • Purpose
  • Personal growth
  • Professional satisfaction
  • Openness to creativity
  • Recognition

All of this brings what we seek in an organization, far beyond the traditional compensation of money.

Organizational culture becomes as important as everything else

Then, organizational culture is taken into account. And very affordable!

According to research, more than half of people who work place well-being as a priority when choosing a company. This includes the non-tangible benefits I've already mentioned here, such as flexibility and the organization's culture.

Remembering that all these benefits end up being part of this culture, since one thing is linked to another.

However, not all companies are in line with what the new job market is demanding.

The change in the structure of companies so that emotional wages are seen and valued

Everything that is added to the economic and tangible salary qualifies as emotional salary. That's what complements it. But not only. Goes beyond.

It incorporates behaviors, relationships and, most importantly, our health as a whole, whether physical or mental.

Even though this movement is being followed by some companies, others still remain with the old structure, which prioritizes only economic wages.

Therefore, for change to happen, we must change the mindset of those at the top. In other words, leadership.

Fortunately, the movement is already happening, even if at a slow pace.

How to implement emotional salary in the company?

Several actions are essential, obviously. It is not possible to analyze and make the move thinking about just one or two initiatives.

However, it all starts with measuring stress and happiness in each team.

And can you do that? Clear!

There are tools - which have a scientific basis - that make these measurements.

One of the most used on the market is applied based on The Five Behaviors methodology. In short, they are reports that measure the team cohesion index. There are also individual reports.

From this index, it is possible to understand how trust is between people, a fundamental basis for commitment, listening, belonging and other factors that make up emotional salary.

Find out more about this tool by clicking here:

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